Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tube Day

Did you save your toilet paper, paper towel, and wrapping paper tubes? Here are some fun activities to do with your tubes.

1. Use the tubes for measuring. Measure things around your house using your toilet paper tubes. Keep track how many toilet tubes it takes to measure each item on a piece of paper. Then continue to measure with your other tubes. Teaching Tip: Have your child hypothesize (guess) how many tubes it will be before measuring your items. Item ideas: Couches, beds, your child, yourself, tables, pillows, and anything you and your child comes up with.

3. Take your wrapping paper tube and use it as a tunnel to zoom cars in or roll little bouncy balls down. Teaching Tips: 1. Remember to incorporate color recognition by having your child tell you what color car or bouncy ball came down the tube. 2. Use refrigerator letter magnets and have your child shoot certain letters down the tube. You can have them shoot the letters of their name down the tube and put them in order when they come out the other end. Do the same for spelling words. For example: The parent can choose the letters S,T,O, P and have your child shoot them down the tube. Then have fun making a word out of the letters. You can make the tubes longer by taping the tubes together. It can be fun to make it as long as your stairs and zoom your items down the tube to reach the bottom of the stairs.

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